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Business Sale | Bayleys In the North

Buying or selling a business is often one of the largest financial transactions undertaken in a lifetime.

Either way, it is a process that needs careful planning and an understanding of the prospective purchasers and vendors.

Bayleys Canterbury's specialist brokers have a genuine interest in business and are committed to delivering outstanding service to business clients. Our brokers come from broad business backgrounds, have market-relevant experience and a well-honed grasp of business fundamentals.

They also have strong local connections with recent sales including business, hospitality and tourism across the Canterbury region. The well-developed national networks throughout the Bayleys’ Group, and also with accountancy and legal professionals. This gives them an excellent knowledge of the wider economic environment and how it is impacting on the business sector.


Bayleys appreciates that selling or buying a business is a very different proposition from a property transaction.

Deciding to buy or sell a business is a major decision that may signal a complete change in lifestyle – which is why personal agendas are as important as business objectives.

Bayleys' brokers also understand the importance of discretion. They appreciate their clients often prefer to keep their intentions confidential from competitors, clients, suppliers and staff.

Whether selling or buying a business, Bayleys Canterbury can help prepare a tailor-made road map to successfully complete the process.


Sell Your Business

Our Canterbury business brokers leverage the national reach through Bayleys Real Estate combined with on-the-ground local expertise to ensure a streamlined business sale with exceptional marketing.

Over the decades, Bayleys has built databases of individuals and companies on the acquisition and expansion trails.

We also have a network of professionals with clients that are looking to grow their business interests.

Working with our Business Sales team enables business sellers to remain focused on operating their business - not on selling their business.

As experienced sales professionals, our brokers ensure that it’s ‘business as usual’ in the marketing phase while negotiations and due diligence are underway. They maintain discretion, streamline the process and minimise disruption to daily business operations.

Bayleys Business Sales structured approach covers all aspects of the selling process including:

  1. Undertaking a thorough appraisal to establish the market value of the business.

  2. Preparing a detailed Information Memorandum describing the attributes of the business.

  3. Identifying and qualifying all potential buyers.

  4. Manage communication with each interested party

  5. Creating a professional marketing strategy targeted at prospective purchasers.

  6. Negotiating on behalf of business owners with potential purchasers to achieve the best price.

  7. Managing the process of due diligence with the least possible disruption to a business.

  8. Overseeing the completion of contracts and settlement.

  9. Ensuring a smooth and thorough handover.



Buy A Business

Successfully buying a business is an involved process that we can help you with. It’s what we do.

Once we’ve established some key criteria, Bayleys Canterbury brokers will advise what businesses are available to buy, what businesses are selling and how a price was achieved.

Talking to your Bayley’s broker could save you valuable time and money. We will ensure you are seeing the best options and getting the right advice for your next major investment.

Identify Opportunities

Sometimes certain market conditions and business sensitivities mean that not all businesses are openly marketed. Our brokers can give access to these business opportunities as well as those that are advertised plus give advice on market values. Finding the right business could take some time, and our systems ensure we keep you up to date with any new opportunities as they become available.

Make The Best Decision

For some, the prospect of purchasing a business can be daunting and we understand this. Utilise our expertise and draw on our experience. We are here to assist and guide you through the process, providing reassurance and the confidence to know which is the best business for your situation.